Tuesday, May 7, 2013

favorite picture book CRR

My favorite picture book would have to be “where the sidewalk ends” by Shel Silverstien. This is my favorite book because he can write great poetry and that book has my favorite poems. “When the light turns green, you go. When light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with orange and lavender spots?” – Shel Silverstien, A Light in the Attic. I like this poem because it makes you think a little and you wonder what you would do if it turned those colors. My favorite poem in that book is “whatif”. This poem lot of kids can relate to because it talks about things that a kid might wonder. Now the art in the book is a whole different story. Just the pictures themselves could tell a story. They are just fun and imperfect pictures that are perfect in their own way.  I’m not saying there well I’m saying they are great. Shel Silverstien can write great poetry and can draw very well. Many of kids haven’t read this book and I highly recommend it. Even if you don’t like poetry or if you’re too cool for reading his books are inspiring and a lot like real life. A kid picture books are full of things that can’t even really happen that’s why kids like them they are funny. But his books are about real life things mostly. If they aren’t they are hilarious and make it seem like anything is possible. I think during poetry month we should just focus on Shel Silverstien books so that way more kids will know about his awesome poetry and awesome drawings. He has written lots of books and they are all great but “where the sidewalk ends” is the best of them all. So read it and you will love it……….
                                                                                                                   -Advertised vs. reality

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